A matching Bathroom Scene Activity. For many autistic students, it is not always apparent, or understood what they see in the bathroom. For children who are toilet training or even resistant to the bathroom, may be unfamiliar with the items in the bathroom, their names or what they are for.
This activity, provides 3 different Bathroom scenes mats together with 3 differing matching symbols pages.
Print and laminate each page,
Cut out the symbols on the bathroom symbols page, support your student to match and identify each item they match.
Another fun activity is to ask students to point to differing items on the Bathroom scenes. You can support their engagement by taking turns in pointing out each item on the Bathroom scenes.
For children who are non speaking they can use the bathroom scene picture symbols to request which item they want you to point at on the Bathroom Scenes.
For children who prefer not to point, you can request they show you a bathroom item and they can hand you one of the picture symbols instead of pointing.